Jovial King is a family herbalist, co-founder and owner of Urban Moonshine (, and author of DIY Bitters. She has studied herbal medicine extensively with an array of renowned teachers, including Rosemary Gladstar, Brigitte Mars, and Christopher Hobbs. Jovial started Urban Moonshine in her kitchen and has grown the company into a strong presence within the natural supplements industry. She has appeared as an Herbal Expert blogger for Martha Stewart's Whole Living website, and Urban Moonshine has been featured in Food & Wine, Mother Earth Living, Fine Cooking, Imbibe, Epicurious, and more.
Guido Mase RH(AHG) is a clinician and educator in the Western herbal tradition. He spent his childhood in Italy and has been living in Vermont since 1996. His practice interweaves clinical experience, mythology, and science. He is chief herbalist at Urban Moonshine, clinician at the Burlington Herb Clinic, faculty member and clinical supervisor at the Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, teacher in herbal medicine at the University of Vermont, and author of The Wild Medicine Solution and DIY Bitters. He is developing the integrative phytotherapy department at Wasso Hospital in Loliondo, Tanzania.